2017 PSPA Junior Associates Conference – FEEL THE BEAT

PSPA Junior Associates Conference (JAC) is BACK!! This time we are bringing in a wonderful percussion group in Malaysia – HANDS Percussion to your front door!
Originated with the traditional ‘24 Festive Drums’ as the focus of their shows, HANDS Percussion celebrates its 20th Anniversary in 2017. The group has since transformed significantly its repertoire, vocabulary and capabilities. Their performances are now a testament of their commitment and genuine passion to its art form and artistry. Beautiful stylised choreography of movement and dance is synonymous to their productions. They are performed with drums and other instruments like the gamelan, djembe, kompang, gendang, timpani, marimba.
HANDS has shared generously the positive impact of drums and percussion over the past 20 years and has coached over 8000+ students. For this year PSPA Junior Associates Conference, the percussionists of HANDS Percussion are here to share with you the energetic vibrancy of their sounds and the beauty of their musical art form.
A chance that cannot be missed!!
9am – 11am Workshop: 节奏以外 Beyond rhythm
11.30am – 1.30pm HANDS Talk: 巡手,寻.守 Search for Identity and the Preservation of Tradition
3pm – 5.30pm Matinee Show: 巡手 Hands on Tour
Date: 16th April 2017 (Sunday)
Venue: SMJK Yuk Choy Auditorium, Ipoh
Number of Pax: 120 Max (first come first served)
Registration Due Date: 12th April 2017 (Wednesday)

** Optional Lunch Provided at RM20
Book your place now in PSPA Store www.ipohcity.com/pspa or download registration form HERE.
PSPA Store QR Code:
All registration form and payment need to be submitted to PSPA Office before 12th April 2017 (Wednesday) to secure your place.
Call PSPA Office at +6012 505 6192 for more details.