2019 Movie Paradiso
Hosted by KVSS, the musical production is a joint collaboration - Kinta Valley Wind Orchestra and Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre (KLPAC) String Orchestra.
“Movie Paradiso” is an orchestral musical journey that weaves through various movie themes. This concert is unique in three ways. The audience will experience repertoires played by a Wind Orchestra (KVWO), a String Orchestra (KLPAC) and finally a full orchestra (KLPAC and KVWO). Conducted by Mr Norman Ong from KLPAC String Orchestra, the players from both orchestras are home-grown amateur musicians from within the community.
Date: 24th November, 2019 (Sunday)
Time: 3.00pm
Venue: Auditorium Perakfm, Jabatan Penyiaran Malaysia Perak
Entry by Donation:
Category 1 @ RM80
Category 2 @ RM50
Category 3 @ RM30

Movie Paradiso tickets are on sale NOW! Contact 012-5231037 (Lee Meng Meng) to obtain your tickets, or visit our Facebook for further details.
Don't miss out the opportunity to listen to the tunes of movie classics, both modern and of yesteryear!