2014 PSPA International Ensemble “Stringendo”
The 2014 PSPA International Ensemble continues to provide its highest artistic excellence to the Malaysian audience. This year the...
2014 PSPA International Ensemble “Stringendo”
JAC 2014, “We Want You!” - Download FORMS
Junior Associates Conference 2014,“We Want You!”
JAC 2014 Venue Listing
PSPA International Ensemble 2013
An Encounter with the PSPA International Musicians 2013
“Mozart on Silk Road” orchestral concert * Performs in Ipoh for one night only - August 23
PSPA International Ensemble "Mozart on Silk Road" - Aamil Sulaiman
PSPA International Ensemble "Mozart on Silk Road" - Subain Singam
PSPA International Ensemble "Mozart on Silk Road" - Chong Koi Min